Solid Waste

Newry participates in the Tri Town Solid Waste organization along with Bethel and Hanover.

Newry Board Members:

Loretta Powers

Virgil Conkright


Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm


The solid waste transfer station features zero-sort recycling. There is no need to separate your recyclables.

You will need to purchase a “white-goods” ticket for household items such as washers, dryers, refrigerators, air conditioners, and other large household items. Tickets are $7.00 each or you can pay with a credit/debit card at the transfer station.

The regular size tire disposal fee is $3.00 each.

The propane tank disposal fee is $3.00 each.

Required dump stickers are available from the town office for $5.00.